What if Steve Jobs — The Lost Interview isn’t available in my country?

Then you can stream it here.

If you try this link from the USA or any other country where there is already a distribution deal for the film then you’ll just get a trailer. But if you are connecting from Pakistan or some other country where there is currently no distribution, then you should be able to stream the film.

Once there’s distribution in your country through, say, iTunes or similar services, this link will revert to showing just the trailer.





Steve Jobs — The Lost Interview is on iTunes, but don’t tell anyone

My little film about Steve Jobs has finally made it to iTunes (now on Amazon and YouTube as well!) as a $3.99 rental, but you wouldn’t know it. Deeming the film “too controversial,” Apple has it on the site but they aren’t promoting it and won’t. The topic is “too sensitive” you see. It isn’t even listed in the iTunes new releases. You have to search for it. But it’s there.

Maybe I’m not even supposed to tell you.

Of course there is nothing controversial or insensitive about this movie, which everyone including the critics seems to like. It’s a different look at an interesting guy and some people seem to take […]

Steve Jobs — The Lost Interview returning to theaters

As promised, Steve Jobs — The Lost Interview is returning to theaters from Magnolia Pictures with a new print restored literally with rocket science courtesy of MotionDSP. The first U.S. and Canadian play dates are below. If people go to the film there will be more theaters added. Video on demand and a DVD will be next, followed eventually by general online distribution.

International distribution is coming, too.  The film is screening this week in Cannes with theaters and play dates to be named shortly.

Sorry this took so long to arrange.



Montreal, QC: Cinema Du Parc

Little Rock, AR: Market Street Cinema
Cupertino, CA: Bluelight Cinemas
Sacramento, CA: Crest Theatre
Asbury Park, NJ: The ShowRoom
Corvallis, OR: Darkside […]

A True Hollywood Story

Readers have been asking me about the news that actor Ashton Kutcher is going to be playing Steve Jobs in an independent movie about the Apple co-founder to be filmed this summer. It’s fine with me, I suppose, but if we’re going to get all Hollywood about this, the business implications are interesting, especially for Jobs biographer Walter Isaacson, because it probably means a film based on Isaacson’s book will never be made.

The reason I say this is because the last time a movie was made about Steve Jobs it was Pirates of Silicon Valley, which was originally titled Triumph of the Geeks. Sound familiar? I made them change the title, but that’s where my […]