Better late than never

exhaustionI’m back!

The process of switching I, Cringely from Media Temple to WP Engine, which was supposed to take a few hours, ended up taking more than a week!

Poor Jennie had to do the hard work, schlepping over thousands of files from a server that continually crashed. There may be an easier way to do it but we don’t know that way. Then WP Engine ran a security upgrade in the middle of our transition, freezing us out of the system because we were neither here nor there. My nemesis CloudFlare didn’t want to give up the DNS and when we finally got it switched it for some reason took two days to propagate.

But enough of […]

Where’s Bob? Changing WordPress hosts.

WomenAtWorkIn case you’ve been wondering what’s up with this blog, we’re in the midst of moving it from one host to another. Truth be told, Jennie is in the midst of moving it. This will be my last post from Media Temple. My next post (a real one — it’s already written) should come later tonight from WP Engine.

When I left PBS at the end of 2008, Media Temple was state of the art, but that was then. After five years on essentially the same server platform with only a couple memory increases along the way, things were getting a little brittle as many of you have noticed. The hardware is old, some of the software […]