I Hate Network Solutions!

About a week ago I finally moved the cringely.com domain to EasyDNS from Network Solutions, my registrar since 1992. I have written in the past about how much I hate Network Solutions, but this was our final connection and I am now free. But not without them kicking me on my way out the door, crashing this blog for four hours this afternoon.

I began the domain transfer  last Monday but Network Solutions, in its infinite wisdom, decided to complete the transfer today, Sunday, at 2:04 PM Pacific time. That’s when they simply shut down my DNS despite the fact that I’m still paying for their service (I’m paid up until November). […]

Which domain registrar is best?

I have domains from Network Solutions, GoDaddy, and Register.com, but there are many other registrars — some of which must be better than these. Network Solutions is too expensive and difficult to work with, GoDaddy is annoying and greedy, while Register.com may be great but I don’t have a good comparison.

I am thinking of consolidating all my domains with one registrar. Where should I go and why?

Only an idiot would use Network Solutions e-mail. I am an idiot.

I ran my own mail server for many years until the end of 1999 when we moved out to the Wine Country boonies where the only broadband service back then was by satellite. I couldn’t run my own server but still wanted a cringely.com address so I fell back on what seemed to be the simplest alternative, which was e-mail through my domain registrar, Network Solutions. What a mistake.

We all have friends who claim to have had a more-or-less continuous headache since, say, 1946. That’s how I feel about Network Solutions mail. It was never very good, but I was lazy and it was better than nothing… until this weekend when they appear to have […]