All My Children a killer app?

This may seem an odd topic, but stick with me. Yesterday Disney’s ABC television network said it was licensing two canceled daytime TV soap operas to a production company that would be moving the shows to the Internet. I seem to be the only one who thinks this is a brilliant move. In fact it might be the Internet’s next killer app.

All My Children and One Life to Live as killer apps? Yes.

A killer app, remember, is the Silicon Valley term for an application that all by itself justifies to certain users the acquisition of hardware needed to run that app. People will go down to the store and buy hardware just to be able to use that application, whatever it is. […]

Hollywood's impending Internet revolution

New York Magazine wrote recently that YouTube was planning to throw large sums of money at celebrities who would then make short form (three minute) videos for the site. The numbers mentioned were staggering (up to $5 million per celebrity channel) but the business model is crazy. It’s the three minute thing that makes no sense. I’m sure if YouTube is planning something like this it is specifically for videos that are not three minutes long.
Youtube already owns the Internet market for three minute videos. While there are probably instances where YouTube might throw some significant money into getting the odd celebrity to do something in this space, it is traditional TV-length videos and movies where Youtube actually needs help.
Looking at total video […]

The Future of Television (part II)

predicta2My last column generated a lively debate on the prospects for various business and technical options for the delivery of Internet TV so it makes sense to continue this topic and build it into a more full-featured model.  I used to write quite a bit about this back when I was trying to get NerdTV going.  The core of what I’ll write here can be found in a couple dozen columns from back then — columns that would seem to have been for the most part forgotten given the direction last week’s discussion took.  You see the future of television IS Internet television.  There is no other in sight.

No business or technology exists in a […]