2019 Predictions #2 and #3 — A Virtual Private Cloud (VPC) shakeout and legal trouble for AWS

Prediction #2 — And then there were only 3.5 VPC Cloud players.  Cloud computing will continue to grow in 2019 with the key term being not Public Cloud, Private Cloud or Hybrid Cloud — which are all so 2018 — but Virtual Private Cloud (VPC). Virtual Private Cloud is an Amazon Web Services (AWS) invention but all the AWS competitors seem to be embracing the idea.

What has developed is that the VPC solution based on Open Source using Linux will change the Internet-as-a-Service (IaaS) Cloudscape to VPC-only during 2019.   

Gartner has certainly embraced it. Here’s a 2018 Magic Quadrant chart showing how Gartner sees the segment shaping-up. The first […]

The Epsilon Syndrome

Like a lot of you, this week I received several messages telling me my e-mail address had been stolen from a company called Epsilon that provides mass e-mail services to many giant corporations. At the end of this post you’ll find what I believe is the latest list of companies affected. I have heard from four of these companies so far — Best Buy, Chase, Hilton, and Ritz-Carlton, which is interesting because I don’t recall having even stayed at a Ritz-Carlton. From a look at the master list below I’m surprised I haven’t yet heard from Verizon, where I am also a customer. The point of this post isn’t just to print a list of […]

Love for Sale

namorThe U.S. Federal Trade Commission this week announced rules for bloggers who take money and various other forms of booty in exchange for reviewing products. Somehow I missed this business of selling one’s soul. But I think it is a good idea to take a moment and be straight with my readers about the limits of my journalistic ethics in this space.

I don’t take money for reviewing products because I don’t review products.  Never have, never will. So don’t send me any products, okay?

Publishers send me early copies of a few books per year, generally hoping I’ll either provide a quote for the book jacket or write a positive column about it.  I […]