A nanotechnology overnight sensation 30 years in the making!

I’m not dead yet!

Fallon and I continue our collaboration, though who knows what I’ll do when he starts back to school on Tuesday? With Mama now working and me blind the kids will be going to school by Uber.

Fortunately, we have something very interesting to write about today that will likely change every technology we currently use.

One of my favorite mad scientists sent me a link recently to a very important IEEE paper from Stanford. Scientists at the Stanford Linear Accelerator Center (SLAC) have managed to observe in real time the growth of nanocrystalline superlattices and report that they can grow impressively […]

The Final Frontier — Part 2

With more than 200 reader comments submitted already it is clear that my column from earlier this week about America’s next frontier is a hot topic. I asked readers to tell me what they thought would be (should be) our next area of national expansion and the responses ranged from single words to essays and I learned a lot from all of them. But this is such a fertile and complex topic that no one reader (or even one columnist — me) can be expected to encompass it all in a single session, but we can try and will, right here, right now.

What our next frontier clearly isn’t is any single industry. Nanotechnology and biotechnology […]